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AIR RIDE set to move to new larger installation and manufacturing facility shortly


Simmo Before

This is as the car arrived. Very similar to how it was previously featured in Max Power, the style of the car was looking old, most of the parts were battered, and Andy wanted something fresh. Initially we were asked only to fit the arches but when the customer found out we had just opened a new instillation centre, and the experience we had, and our guarantees he quickly asked us to do everything. As is often the case Andy had tried many of the companies featured in the magazines, and was fed up with them simply disappearing, or having to take the car back repeatedly because his vent was cracking or his paint peeling, and often getting charged for the privilege. 

From my personal experience I believe him to be a lying, stealing, scumbag, and pretty much everyone in this industry would be wise not to deal with him.

Certainly do not "sponsor" him, as our understanding is that he normally just sells the parts!!


Just before Autofashion took it apart


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Last modified: March 06, 2011                 Click here for Company Details

Tel:-01263 768824 and 01263 583059 for Custom Styling Parts (Fibreglass Parts- bodykits, bumpers, spoilers, vents, skirts, )
Tel:-01263 768824 and 01263 583059 for Showtime Parts (Metal Parts - Lambo doors, suicide doors, air suspension, turbo kits,,,)
Tel:-07810 085099 (if no answer on above numbers)
    All prices quoted are in pounds sterling, and plus freight unless otherwise stated
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