These pages chronicle the changes that have happened to Jason's BMW MINI. Jason is one of those wonderful customers that is willing to accept ideas and suggestions, and simply sets a budget and leaves you to get on. On both occasions that we have worked for Jason he has given us very brief instructions and left the rest to us. Since it was a show car only we were not constrained by legality as we normally are with road cars. If Jason had taken care of the car then it would have been a perfect world. There is nothing worse for us than a customer whom does not appreciate the work we put into building these cars and does not look after it. When the car was first built in Green/Purple colour change paint we had talked through the basics of what we were doing, although the instructions were simply to build a feature car. When the car was rebuilt for 2004 in Kandy Orange the instructions were a little more vague - do what ever you want, do not exceed the budget, and make it special enough to be featured. We succeeded, and I believe that this car makes most of the cars styled by our competitors look so plain they should be embarrassed. Bolting on a kit, some wheels and seats does not make a modified car, it makes a variation on a production car. If you want a variation on a production car then call any one of a dozen companies advertising in Go Mini. We build modified cars. If you want a modified car call us on the number below. |