The van started off with a Front and Rear bumper, RST arches/skirts,
single wiper and tinted windows. all this was completed without having
to take the car off the road.
For Phase Two the car had to be stripped of all glass, trim, handles
and lights.
The entire shell was then sanded, dents filled, and arches/skirts
Below you can see the roof rails have been removed, along with the
feature line next to them. The amount of filler may seem over the top,
but this was because the dents were so bad they ran into each other! |
Above you can see the arches/skirts have been filled and the shell is
masked ready for priming.
In Craigs quest for smoothness the kit has been seamlessly fitted,
and even the wing joints welded and filled.
Once the primer has gone off the car is ready for a guide coat of
black, and then some serious elbow grease for the flatting.
The thin black guide coat can be seen below and is used to help
disclose low spots. |
The first colour coat is the white ground coat. This is a brilliant
white that is the secret to the incredible colour of the finished car.
Using the very best paint available anywhere in the world, this white is
very very bright.
Next a coat of orange mixed with white is painted (yes I know it
looks pink), and then several coats of orange basecoat prior to the
clear lacquer. |
If you think it looks bright in the photos you should have tried to
paint it - we almost needed sunglasses to manage.
This colour is so bright it is very hard to photograph - its two
shades brighter than an dynorod van!!!
After this the Bonnet, Smooth Bootlid, Front and Rear Bumpers and
Animal spoiler followed suit. |
The Brilliance of the colour has not really come out in the photos -
hope to take some better ones soon. |
The car is even more impressive when you know that the
whole thing was completed in less than a week, by non-bodywork staff
using the company equipment in their own time (several
All Craig's efforts were rewarded when he won "most
radical" at the May 2002 Mean Street Cruise. Well done Craig.